The capillary top free crystal mounting method

This "free" crystal mount technique has been developed for the sulfur SAD phasing method using longer wavelength X-ray from a chromium anode target (2.29 angstrom). With this technique, it is possible to solve novel protein structures using the anomalous signal from sulfur atoms in the underivatized native protein.

At synchrotron beamlines, this loopless free mounting method also aids center micro crystals that are difficult to see by the lens-shaped frozen buffer in the cryoloop.

MPEG movies

Lyz1_1.gifReal time movie, 20% slow speed movie
rmLoop.gifRemove the loop (real time)
One division of the scale is 50 microns.
All movies were taken by Yu Kitago, Hokkaido Univ. Protein crystal used here for these movie was hen egg lysozyme.
One division of the scale is 50 microns.


List of structures solved by S-SAD using Cr X-ray and the mounting method
