プロシーデイングス等(No Refereed Proceedings)

  1. Tabuchi, M., Asakura, H., Morimoto, H., Watanabe, N. and Takeda, Y.: Hard X-ray XAFS beamline, BL5S1, at AichiSR, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 712, (2016) 012027.

  2. Hiraki, M., Watanabe, S., Chavas, LMG., Yamada, Y., Matsugaki, N., Igarashi, N., Wakatsuki, S., Fujihashi, M., Miki, K., Baba, S., Ueno, G., Yamamoto, M., Suzuki, M., Nakagawa, A., Watanabe, N. and Tanaka, I.: Fully Automated Data Collection Using PAM and the Development of PAM/SPACE Reversible Cassettes, AIP Conf. Proc. (2010), 1234, 673-676.

  3. Kitago, Y., Karita, S., Watanabe, N., Sakka, K. and Tanaka, I.: Molecular biochemistry of a xyloglucanase, Cel44A from Clostridium thermocellum unveiled by X-ray crystallography, MIE BIOFORUM 2008 Proceedings. (2008) 331-340.

  4. Watanabe, N., Yonaha, K., Sakabe, K., Sakabe, N., Aibara, S. and Morita, Y.: Crystal Structure of $\omega{}$-Amino Acid : Pyruvate Aminotransferase. in Enzymes Dependent of Pyridoxal Phosphate and other Carbonyl Compounds as Cofactors, Pergamon, 121 - 124 (1994).

  5. Watanabe, N., Sakabe, K., Sakabe, N., Sasaki, K., Yonaha, K., Toyama, S., Aibara, S. and Morita, Y.: Crystal Structure Analysis of $\omega{}$-Amino Acid : Pyruvate Aminotransferase and study on Reaction Mechanism using Synchrotron Radiation. in Protein Engineering, Springer, 97 - 102 (1990).

Nobuhisa Watanabe 2018-11-06